Radio Group - Used for single selection only.
Checkbox Group - Used for multiple selections.
DLL is activated on mobile.
Module reading from memory has been disabled.
Visual Tools Renewed
Error in insert queries has been fixed
-Get Local Storage
-Set Local Storage
-Remove Local Storage
A new data reading feature called PodApi has been added. It receives data from web APIs in Xpoda. To use it, the Web Api feature must be set. It can be used in two places. While data can be transferred to the list via the button with the value update action, data can be transferred to the grid via the button with the Query Content.
Spread Sheet tool added.
Fixed the problem that when filtering is done in the list tool, records with the first letter in uppercase cannot be retrieved with the list feature filter.
When the linked form was opened from the list, it was not possible to navigate between menus. The menu problem has been resolved.
Icons have been displayed properly. Bottom spaces have been reduced in responsive tools. The arrow of the Button Group element has been corrected.
Fixed the action save button remaining disabled.
When tool names are changed, an update screen has been added that will allow the relevant tool in the module to be changed in the places where it is used (action, index, queries, authorizations).
In Xpoda Studio, modules used by other developers are seen as "Restricted Access" in the module list. When we want to log in to these modules, we will be presented with two options. While you can only enter the module in spectator mode with the "Read Only" option, permission to enter the module can be requested from the developer inside with the "Access Permission" button. When the access permission button is clicked, the system starts a 30-second period for the inside user to respond. If the inside developer does not respond within 30 seconds, the system will automatically open the module with access permissions. The inside user can reject incoming access requests or accept the request and log out of the system. If the user accepts the login request, the system accepts the new developer into the module.
When a module was added from the file on the client side, the old module could be selected and updated or a new module could be added. "Application Selection" has been added to this screen. In this way, the location of the loaded project was determined.
A value update action has been added to the video tool, which allows information about the number of seconds of the video being watched. Applies only to videos added via video. It does not work with the iframe feature.
The error related to domain name matching when finding a company has been fixed.
The problem of saving design files directly to the uploads folder has been fixed. Design files are now saved in the Uploads>ReportFiles folder.
Any module developed in Studio can be downloaded as a file by clicking the "Download" button from the module list. A module downloaded from another company can be installed with the "Module Upload" feature. Fixed the "Restricted Access" issue received in this case.
"Datetime Error" that occurred during language changes on the client side has been fixed.
In the module list, the form information contained in the module was shown. The names of operations such as open, delete, copy and move are now displayed properly.
Added Iframe feature that can be activated with the video element on mobile.
Chat feature has been added to the client screen.