The ground color feature, which can be changed from the form settings, was broken with Version 2.8, it was made workable again.
While the properties of the form are selected, the background color can be changed by changing the Color field.
Fixed the problem of not sending the attached file in the mail.
The Label element was intended to be used as a title in Free Forms. The Fit Horizontal feature has been turned on from the properties of the element and this element can be used as a title.
When creating Test Db in Client Admin, if it is a 2-server structure, the error received because the existing method tries to open Test DB on the server in IIS has been fixed.
Using following settings in Web.config of service application will provide an alternative way for creating test database on SQL server itself.
DB backup path to be used. If empty string current app folder (under IIS path) will be used. Provide a path if you use 2 server installation. e.g C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup
<add key="DbBackupPath" value=""/>
When the List in Search action was used, if there was a picture in the list, the picture would disappear when the list was searched. This issue has been fixed.
While recording assistant in the studio, it was giving an int32 error in the recording because the Working interval field was empty. This issue has been fixed.
Before the Send Mail action was saved, the Html file field was not visible when it was saved and reopened, the problem has been resolved.
Before the action is recorded
After the action is recorded
The action to which a control in a form is bound is only shown for those who are on the same tab as the control. However, if there is an action on the same control from another tab, that is, if there is a related action, it was not displayed in this list.
If there is an action control from different tabs, the linked action is displayed in the relevant place.
There is an action control from the Button element on Tab 1 to the area on Tab 2.
In the Linked Actions List section, the information of the relevant action is displayed.
Mobile improvements made in Xpoda Mobile application with Version 2.10; The error of displaying hidden columns in mobile lists has been fixed The Get location (GPS) action has been activated on mobile.
The feature of hiding list title has been fixed.
By activating the Hide Column Heading feature from the list's features in the Studio, list title is kept hidden.
The problem that the methods of the service are not displayed when Web Service is selected in the Integration section and the WSDL address is entered in the address section in Studio.
There was no scroll in the task drawer, where the tasks from the approval were shown in the flow, and the tasks below were not visible. The task description texts came as a single line and did not go down to the bottom line. The css defects caused by these situations have been fixed.
In the assistant mail listening function, mails from addresses such as Gmail, Outlook were displayed as blank and mail was not read. This problem from some e-mail addresses has been fixed.